Loss Lessons
Today I had lunch with a friend who's wife recently died after a long battle with cancer. While it is sad to know that she is gone, it was amazing to hear how God has provided support for my friend and how God used his wife's journey with cancer to show how God can provide hope even in the midst of sickness and ultimately death.
While the loss of a job is nothing compared to the loss of a spouse, it was interesting to think about my friend's journey and how to pull lessons from her life and from my friend's loss.
I was amazed by the community that surrounded my friend and his wife. Who is the community that is coming with me in my journey?
Her Caring Bridge site was filled with comments on how God was evident in her life and in her journey. Am I letting God lead me in my journey?
The loss of his wife means the beginning of a new phase of his life. My job change is the beginning of a new journey for me.
My friends had opportunities to create some memories and spend some special time together before her death. How do I make sure that I spend some time with family and friends before starting a new job.
My friend's wife has died and is now in heaven and she has reached the ultimate destination. Her life was a shining example of a life lived well. How do I make sure that what I do with my life is focused on my final destination and not just the things of this world.
I am fortunate to have known these two people in my life and my prayers are with the surviving family as they go through this Christmas season.
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