What is your Goliath?

Image result for picture of david and goliath

Last week I finished a devotional series by Louie Giglio titled:  "Goliath Must Fall:  Winning The Battle Against Your Giants".  Goliath was a giant that taunted and threatened the army of Israel in the Old Testament.  The army was afraid of Goliath and did not want to fight him.  But David came to the battle and proclaimed that with the power of God on his side, he would fight and defeat Goliath.  And he did with the aid of a slingshot.

It made me think about what giants are in my life that I am afraid of or try to avoid?  I can think of many!  Over the years, I have had many giants that have taunted me.  For example, I have struggled with a giant called public speaking, a giant called shyness and introverted and one of my biggest giants called worry.  I have battled these giants and chased them away, but I am never sure that they have been killed.  I often wonder when one of these giants will come back out of the cave to attack me, but I pray that with God's help they are gone forever.

This Saturday, I am attacking a giant that has taunted me for the past five years called writing my book.  I have sensed that God has been leading me me to write a book, but I keep putting it off.  I think I am afraid that it won't be any good, that it won't get published or if published, no one will want to read it.  Exposing yourself through the written word is hard.  It opens you up to criticism and rejection.  But on Saturday, I am going to battle against this giant.  I am isolating myself for a week to focus on getting the words in my head down on paper.  I don't know how the battle will turn out, but it is time to stop avoiding the battle.

So I leave you with three thoughts:

  1. What are the giants in your life that have held you back and kept you from doing what God wants you to do?
  2. What can you do in the next week to go to battle against this giant?
  3. How can you help someone else in their battle against their giant?
Lastly, if you think of it, lift me up in prayer this next week.  Pray that God will to allow the words to flow from my mind to paper and that I can defeat this giant with my laptop!

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