Why Me?

Why Me?

Of all the people you could have selected to work for your church, why me?
What do you see in the future that You needed me to leave my old job for?
What God sized happening do You need me for that is worth the sacrifice of what I gave up?
What did You see in me that needed to change?

Why me?  I don't have a background in ministry or training in the Bible.
Why me?  I don't have experience as a pastor or the ability to teach in front of a crowd.
What did You see that I don't?  Did you just want me for yourself?

I don't understand what happened, I don't understand why You wanted me, but I know that You have something big for me.
When Jesus called the disciples to follow Him, I wonder did they ask why me?
They were not the educated religious leaders or the popular people, but look what You accomplished through them!

What are you going to accomplish through me?
When so many people ask for your guidance, but you are silent, why did you speak so clearly to me?
Why me?

When you removed the golden handcuffs of my former employer was it to see how I would respond?
Would I seek Your plan for my life or look for something to replace the income that I lost?
Have I learned to trust You and rely on Your strength and guidance or do I try to accomplish things from my own strength?

As I move forward in my new job, may this be my daily prayer:

Help me to be humble and open to coaching and feedback.
Help me to not push on things that are not needed to be pushed on, while also not allowing things that are just good enough to be ignored.

May my heart be seen in all that I do and may my motives for change be pure and be led by seeking Your purpose and plan.

Help me to lead as You would lead.
Help we to coach as You would coach.
Help me to inspire and motivate as You would inspire and motivate.
Help me to serve as You would serve.
Help me to love as You would love.
Thank you for this opportunity and may I be about accomplishing Your purposes in all that I do.
Help me to be part of accomplishing things that can only be accomplished by You through me.


  1. Wow, Very moving piece Rick, really made me pause for a minute this morning. Great post.


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