Gifts Given

During this Christmas season, a lot of time is spent thinking about gifts - gifts for your family, friends and a list of things that you want for yourself.  Most of these gifts lack eternal value - they are things we will play with, use, wear and then find a place in our closets, storage areas or garage.

But do we really think about the gifts that are given that have eternal value?  Think of the gift that was given to us by Jesus coming to this earth as a baby and dying for our sins.  A gift of eternal value that all we have to do is accept.

This Christmas is different for me as it is the first that I have experienced without a job and with having to think about how much should we spend on gifts for others.  It has also been a time where I have had more time to reflect on the many gifts that God has given to me.  I think of the great health my family and I have had, the great job that I have had for 20 years that has richly provided for my family needs, the great friends that God has given to me to share my life with and many more.

But one thing I had not thought of as a gift was this job change until having a lunch with a friend from Target yesterday.  He asked what has been the hardest part of leaving Target and I explained it was explaining why had left Target.  As I explained to him how I answer this question when asked, he said to me:  "It sounds like you have been given a gift".  I had not thought of it this way.  But yet what a gift I have been given - I have had time to spend with friends and family.  I have had time to spend listening to God and let Him work in my life.  And I  have had time to look at other things to do with my gifts that God has given to me in with my skills and experiences and time to look for where He would like me to use those gifts to help His Kingdom.  What a gift!

What gift has God given to you that you have not recognized because you saw it as a hardship or loss?  What does God have to give you if you just listen and accept what He is giving.


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