Decision Made

After a three month journey and putting my future in God's hands and trying my hardest to follow His guidance and direction, I have finally landed a new position.  As my last blog said, I had hit a fork in the road and I had two outstanding opportunities in front of me.

After time in prayer, discussion with family and friends and after reading Chapter 8 of Bob Merritt's book When Life's Not Working, I made my decision.  In Bob's book, Chapter 8 was "Try Things You Can't Do".  It talked about stretching yourself and doing things you couldn't do without God's help.  There were three payoffs called out in the book:

  • You Experience God's Power
  • You Expand Your Capacity to Tackle Greater Challenges
  • It Inspires Others to Try Things They Can't Do

So I have accepted a position with Eagle Brook Church where I will be the Executive Director of Campus Development.  I will start on March 26th.  This position provided me the greatest opportunity to use my skills and abilities and to experience these payoffs.

I am really excited to start and feel that God has called me to this big challenge to help Him accomplish His plans for Eagle Brook and His Kingdom.

This will be a big challenge, but I feel God has been preparing me for a position like this the past 20 years and now it is time to take what I have learned and the experiences I have had to give back for eternal values.

One of my first blogs was 25/25/25.  It was how I had felt when first leaving Target, that the last 25 years of my life should be focused on what I can give back for all that I have been given.  It is amazing how God has been preparing and directing me over the past 6 months to be ready for this position that I had not even known existed before I left Target.

This is not the end of the journey, but in reality is just the beginning of the Journey.  It is just that now I know the path that I am on, but I am excited to see what lies ahead as I get the opportunity to work with a church that is doing great things in its purpose, which is Empowered by God to Reach Others For Christ.

Now I get to put my 4P's to work.  I get to take my Passions, Principles and Practices and apply them to the Purpose of Eagle Brook Church.  How exciting is it when God provides an opportunity that aligns all of these together!


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