The Process

A new year has started.  I am so excited to see what God has planned for me and Beth in 2012.  I don't know what it will be, but I believe that there is something big that God wants me to be involved in to make a difference for His kingdom.

As I have started preparing for some potential job opportunities, it is interesting how my mind has focused.  I find myself asking some of these questions - Will this job give me the opportunity to make a difference in God's Kingdom?  Will this job allow me to use my skills and gifts of talent development and team building to make stronger leaders for God's Kingdom?  A totally different approach than any job search I have done in the past. For whatever reason, the things I used to be concerned with - salary, career growth progression, size of team, etc. just don't seem to be important to me.

I can only attribute this to God being control and my willingness to put my future into His hands.  A very exciting but also kind of scary place to be.

I have just finished Steven Furtick's Sun Stand Still, and there were a few lines that have really stuck with me:

"Vision begins when you hear the sound of God's voice speaking something to your heart.  It's not an audible voice.  It's more like and unshakable impression, an inner sense."
 "Between the promise and the payoff there's always a process.  That process is where your audacious faith comes into play.  Without the process, there is no growth." 
"The process is the place where you lay down your pride and learn to rely totally on God.  Most importantly, the process is the way we grow to know God.  And that's really the whole point."
"Hope is a desire.  Faith is a demonstration.  Hope wants it to happen.  Faith causes it to happen and acts as if it's already done."  "Hope is the blueprint.  Faith is the contractor."
"Audacious faith is not passive.  Neither is audacious prayer.  Every aspiration you have in prayer needs an accompanying action.  Otherwise, you're not really praying.  Your just pontificating.  You do the natural.  Trust God for the super."

I could go on, but from these quotes from the book you can see the pattern.  I am in the process!


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