A New Adventure

Have you ever experienced a week that has been full of surprises and emotional swings?  Have you ever felt like you were where God wanted you only to find out that God has other plans for you?

It has been that kind of week for me!  Last week my position at Eagle Brook Church came to an end.  It was a surprise and not what I was expecting, but it was a reality!  This past week has been a week filled with emotional swings - its as if I was on a roller coaster!  I was dealing with feelings of loss, rejection, disappointment and questions of why, but I was also feeling a sense of excitement, relief, freedom and optimism.

This past week Beth and I have started each day with a prayer asking God to show himself to us in unexpected and powerful ways and at the end of the day we have talked about what we experienced that day and how God showed up.  It has been truly an amazing time of experiencing God's presence and closeness in our lives!

On Monday we went to see The Shack.  What a powerful presentation of what God's love is like!  No matter what you feel about the theology of the movie, we walked out of the showing with tears running down our faces as we felt through the movie that this is how God has been showering His love on us this past week.  God wants us to let go of our hurts, anger, disappointment and free us to be loved by Him and to love others.  As shown in the movie, Jesus wants us to get out of our boats and walk and water with Him!

I don't know what my future holds or what I will be doing professionally tomorrow, next week or next month, but I know that God loves me and that He has a plan for my life.  He wants a relationship with me and wants me to live fully in that relationship.  I am going to take this new found freedom to search for what God wants me to do with my life.  I am going to spend a couple of weeks in Ukraine with our friends there and then I am going to spend some time writing a book that has been on my mind for several years and begin to blog my journey.  I want to spend some time listening to God and allow Him to direct me in how I spend my time and energy professionally for the next season of my life.

Is it a little scary?  You bet!  But this is where God wants all of us.  He wants us to let go of control and TRUST Him.  His plans are better than mine and they are exactly what is right for me.  This is hard to do for me as I am a control freak who likes to have everything figured out, but there is something very freeing and liberating to let go and shoot for the stars!


  1. He is Almighty, we are prying, BRO!!!

  2. May God bless you Rick as he leads you to new ventures. God is the one in control and it is better this way.


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